Kenmore Electric Range 66595812000 Timer Repair

What is the timer/clock part number for the Kenmore 66595812000 Electric Range?

Timer part number 8523665 for Kenmore 66595812000

The 66595812000 Electric Range uses timer part number 8523665.

Do you have a failed Kenmore 66595812000 control panel? Click here:

Request Appliance Timer Service

We can repair or replace your faulty Kenmore 66595812000 timer.

66595812000 are also sometimes referred to using these Alternative Names/Model numbers

Sears 66595812000 Electric Range

66595812000 Schematic and Wiring Diagrams

Cooktop Parts diagram
66595812000 Electric Range Cooktop Parts diagram
Door Parts diagram
66595812000 Electric Range Door Parts diagram
Chassis Parts diagram
66595812000 Electric Range Chassis Parts diagram
Control panel Parts diagram
66595812000 Electric Range Control panel Parts diagram
Warming drawer and broiler Parts diagram
66595812000 Electric Range Warming drawer and broiler Parts diagram

Common problems for Kenmore Electric Range 66595812000 Timer Repair

Are you encountering a similar problem as them? Contact us now and we will try to help you fix your 66595812000 timer-related problem.
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